Immediate actions
Actions to be taken
Alteration of Memorandum
(MOA) and
Articles of Association
- To
amend the existing MOA and AOA to incorporate the provisions of the new
Companies Act;
- Option
to include entrenchment provisions, if any, in the Articles of
Association for strict compliance. (An entrenchment clause is a
provision which makes further amendments to AOA more difficult. such
provision enables a company to follow a more restrictive procedure than
passing a special resolution for altering a specific clause of AOA.
Entrenchment clause may prevent unilateral amendments to the AOA which
may be a joint venture company.)
Printing of new Stationary of the Company
- Disclosure
of the following on the letterhead / bills or other official
communications such as name (including previous name for upto 2 years),
registered address, Corporate Identity Number(CIN), Telephone No., Fax
No., website address email address, if any; (In case the letterheads
already printed, please affix a rubber stamp to comply with additional
Resident Director
- At
least one of the directors who is resident in India shall be appointed
on the Board of every company.
Disqualification of directors
- Every
director shall inform to the company concerned about his
disqualification under sub-section (2) of section 164, if any, in Form
DIR-8 before he is appointed or re-appointed. (Similar to
disqualification u/s 274(1)(g) of the Old Act)
- In
addition to the disqualification provided under section 274 of the Old
Act, following new sections have been provided:
- A
person convicted of any offence and sentenced in respect thereof
to imprisonment
for a period extending upto seven years or more; - A person convicted of the
offence dealing with related party transactions at any time during the last
preceding five years;
- A
person who has not been allotted DIN.
- Whenever
a company fails to file the financial statements or annual returns, or
fails to repay any deposit, interest, dividend, or fails to redeem its
debentures, as the company shall immediately file the details of all
directors in prescribed form (Form DIR-9), to the ROC furnishing therein
the names and addresses of all the directors of the company during the
relevant financial years.
- When
a company fails to file such details within a period of thirty days of
the failure that would be treated as the disqualification and officers
of the company shall be treated as the officers in default.
- Any
application for removal of disqualification of directors shall be made
in the prescribed form (Form DIR-10).
Disclosures by a director of his interest
- Every
director shall disclose his concern or interest in any company or
companies or body corporate (including shareholding interest), firms or
other association of individuals, by giving a notice in writing in Form
MBP 1 (earlier it was form 24AA).
To take note of duties of Directors
- New
Act provides duties of directors under the Act and Rules.
- The
Company should take the note of the same in the ensuing Board meeting
(preferably in first quarter of 2014).
Board Meetings
(to take note for all ensuing board meeting)
- New
act allows participation of Directors in Board Meeting through video
conferencing and through other audio visual means by complying the
prescribed procedures;
- At-least
7 days notice to be given for Board meeting;
- Notice
of Board meeting may be given by electronic mode;
- Not
more than 120 days shall be intervene between 2 consecutive board
- Participation
through video conferencing shall be counted for quorum;
- The
Rules provided certain matters which cannot be dealt with in a meeting
through video conferencing or other audio visual means.
- At
least one meeting in a period of 12 months has to be physically attended
by every director
- Director
will Vacate the office if he is absent from all Meetings of the Board
during 12 months with or without leave of absence (Attending one BM in a
period of 12 months is must).
Resolution by Circulation
- Under
the new Act, resolution by circulation has to be approved if it is
consented by majority of directors in contrast to corresponding
provision of the Old Act, which required consent of all directors
present in India or majority by them.
- Ratification
of circular resolution shall be noted at a subsequent board meeting and
shall be made part of the minutes of such Board meetings.
- Where
more than1/3 of the total director of the company requires, resolution
to be passed at a Board Meeting, the same shall not be passed by
Power of Board
(to take note for all)
- New
powers are added in the list of powers which can be exercised by the
Board only by passing a resolution at Board meeting.
- The
Company should take the note of the same in the ensuing Board meeting
(preferably in first quarter of 2014).
- Now,
certain Board resolutions are also required to be filed with the ROC in
form MGT-14 within 30 days.
Loans to Directors
- Now,
also applicable to private companies;
- Total
prohibition on prescribed transactions;
- Imprisonment
could not be avoided by fully repaying the loan.
Loans & Investments by Company
- A
company shall not make investment through not more than 2 layers of
investment company;
- Giving
any loan or guarantee or providing any security or the acquisition by
company exceeds 60% of paid up share capital, free reserves and share
premium account or 100% of free reserves and share premium account,
whichever is more, requires prior approval of the company by special
- Now,
loans and investment by holding company to/in its wholly owned
subsidiary is not exempted.
Related party transactions
- Companies
need to evaluate the related party transactions and have to take
necessary approval prescribed under the Act.
- Requirement
of obtaining Central Government approval has been withdrawn but more
compliances has been introduced in the Act as well through the Rules.
To take note of duties of company secretary
- New
Act provides duties of company secretaries under the Act and Rules.
- The
Company should take the note of the same in the ensuing Board meeting
(preferably in first quarter of 2014).
Preparation of statutory Registers
- The
Companies has to maintain all the statutory registers as per the new
prescribed format under the new Act and Rules.
Appointment of Auditors
- Appointment
of auditor for 5 years of tenure subject to ratification in every annual
general meeting;
- Compulsory
rotation of auditors for certain classes of companies as may be
prescribed in the Rules;
- Term
for individual auditor shall not be more than 5 consecutive years;
- Term
for audit firm not more than 2 terms for 5 consecutive years;
- 5
years cooling off period for rotated individual auditor/audit firm.
Audit of Branch Office
- Under
the new Act, Audit of Branch Office has been introduced, now where the
company has a branch office, the accounts of that office shall be
audited by the Auditor.
- The
Branch auditor shall submit his report to the Company’s auditors.
(for financial year 2013-14-as per Old Act
For financial year 2014-15-as per New Act)
- Company
can keep the books of accounts in electronic mode as prescribed under
the New Act and Rules;
- Salient
features of financial statement of a company’s subsidiary company or
subsidiaries, associate company or joint venture shall be filed
separately in prescribed form.
- Consolidation
of financial statement of the Company shall be made in accordance with
the provisions of the Act.
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Under
the New Act, the Companies on which CSR provisions are applicable, has
to spend 2% of average net profits for last 3 years and comply with the
provisions of the Act and CSR Rules.
applies to the following companies having: - Net worth of INR 500 Crore
or more; or Turnover of INR 1,000 Crore or more; or Net profit of INR 5
Crore or more.
Acceptance of deposits/unsecured loan
- Company
cannot accept any kind of deposit/unsecured loan from relative of
- All
new deposits accepted from ‘Member’ are subject to certain terms,
conditions and procedures.
- Company
can accept deposits from director during the tenure of his directorship.
- Following
compliance has to be followed in case of outstanding deposits as on 31st
March 2014–
File a return of such deposits/loans till 30th June 2014, AND
- Repay all such deposits/loans on or before 31st March 2015.
Filing of Annual Return and
Disclosures to be made therein
- Under
the New Act, every company shall prepare a return in the prescribed form
containing the particulars as on the date of end of the financial year.
Following disclosures should be made in the Annual return:
- Principal business activities, particulars of its holding,
subsidiary and associate companies;
- Details of shares, debentures and other securities with shareholding
- Indebtedness;
Members and debenture holders with changes therein;
Promoters, directors, KMP with changes therein;
- Meetings of members or class thereof, board and other
committees and details of attendance
- Remuneration of directors and KMP;
Penalties imposed on the company, its directors or officers and details of
compounding of offence;
Shares held by FIIs.
Additional Disclosures in Explanatory
- Nature
of concern or interest, financial or otherwise, of director, manager,
KMP and relatives of directors, manager and KMP;
- Any
other information and facts that may enable members to understand the
meaning, scope and implications of the items of business;
- Failure
to make such disclosure – promoter, director, manager liable to
compensate the company to the extent of the benefits derived by them.
Complied with Secretarial Standard
- The
New Act provides that every company shall observe “Secretarial Standards
to Minutes” with respect to general and board meetings specified by the
Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
Obligation to indicate DIN
- Every
person or Company should mention the DIN in all forms, information or
particulars which relates to the director or containing any reference of
any director while furnishing the same.
Certification of Annual Return
- The
annual return of the following companies, shall be certified by a
Company Secretary in Practice: - listed company;
- a
company having paid-up share capital of INR 10 Crore or more; or
- a company having turnover of INR 50 Crore or more.
Revised Fee for filing
- Under
the New Act revised fee shall be applicable for all filings. The Company
shall evaluate the Table of Fees pursuant to rule 12 of the Companies
(Registration of Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014).
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